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Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

applications for android phones | Avira Antivirus 2013 Free Download Latest Software

applications for android phones

Avira antivirus Free full version new update - Avira Free Antivirus 2013 is a AntiVirus software that is able to provide the best free antivirus protection against dangerous viruses , worms , Trojans and spyware . Avira is a German made ??antivirus that provides paid version ( Premium ) and free for personal circles .

Avira also present several advantages such as , avira will perform on a block the virus before operating / running on our computer , so , so we can be sure that your computer will always be safe from virus / malware perngakat .

Minimum specifications :
Windows :
- Windows 7 ( 32 - bit or 64 - bit )
- Windows Vista SP1 ( 32 - bit or 64 - bit )
- Windows XP SP3 ( 32 - bit )
- Windows XP SP2 ( 64 - bit )

- Min . 1024 MB RAM ( Windows Vista , Windows 7 )
- Min . 512 MB ??RAM ( Windows XP )

- Min . 150 MB of available disk space ( additional temporary and quarantine space needed )

Computer :
- Computer Pentium or later , at least 1 GHz

Note :
Internet connection and a web browser is required for this installation is the best antivirus .

             Download Link : Avira Free Antivirus

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