applications for android phones
Avast! Free Antivirus 10.0.2206 Download. Avast! Free Antivirus (Avast means that Anti-Virus Advanced-Set) with quite 220 million users is one in every of the foremost in style and powerful anti-virus programs within the world today! the house Edition is totally free for private and non-commercial use, and is filled with several helpful new options that may defend your software, native storage, personal knowledge and private data against any style of on-line threats. By that specialize in each novices and professionals, Avast manages to hide all users of Windows OS platform, with separate consumer versions for all different operational systems (Mac, Linux, Palm OS, Windows Server Edition and Android).
Avast New Technologies:
Avast New Technologies:
- Award-winning antivirus engine
- Software Updater maintenance tool
- Streaming virus database updates
- Browser Cleanup, for tidy web surfing
- New user-friendly interface
- Enhanced touch screen navigation
- Boot-time malware scanning
- Intelligent scanner for faster scans
- Blocking websites using Avast
File name:avast_free_antivirus_setup.exe
File size:125MB
Author :
Alternative Link:DOWNLOAD
Avast! Free Antivirus 10.0.2206 Download
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