android app market
Daum PotPlayer is an audio and video media player is very good and now occupies the position of 2nd best after KMPlayer and of course I use both on a PC that I use.
Such as KMPlayer, Daum PotPlayer is also equally as KMPlayer but despite freeware freeware media player Daum potplayer be auidio and best video after KMPlayer, as well as the picture quality is clean, his voice also mantab coupled with the appearance of a very bagus.Untuk current I myself use KMPlayer and Daum PotPlayer because besides good also support almost all kinds of video and also very easy to read subtitles if companions Download Now love watching movies like me. Daum potplayer please try this.
Download Daum PotPlayer 1.5.40373 Final.
Download Link:
Download Daum PotPlayer 1.5.40373 Final x86 (15 Mb)
Download Daum PotPlayer 1.5.40373 Final x64 (13 Mb)
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