applications for android phones
Key options embrace
- Unobtrusive UI: youll be able to totally customise Maxthon Cloud Browser by adding, moving, swapping and ever-changing the browsers tool bars, icons, menus, colours, skins, and layouts.
- Built-in Ad Hunter: This tool can block harmful ads, pictures and pages. The Filter packs can classify offensive websites too.
- Plug-ins: over one,400 plug-ins square measure presently out there for Maxthon Cloud Browser.
- Cloud Syncing and Cloud Push: Maxthon has the power to synchronize your bookmarks, tabs, choices and your address bar and new-tab links, throughout all of your computers and mobile devices running Maxthon Cloud Browser.
File size: 37.64MB
Requirements: Windows
License: Freeware
Maxthon Cloud Browser Download
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